Want to treat lines and wrinkles, active acne and acne scars, irregular skin texture, stretch marks, scars, and hyperhydrosis? Find our more about Morpheus8 today!

Fractional Remodeling and Contouring At Its Best

The Morpheus8 is a new subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that fractionally remodels and contours the face and body. Penetrating deep into the skin and fat, this morphs the aging face or body into a more desired smooth and sleek appearance, for all skin tones.

What does Morpheus8 treat?

  • Lines and Wrinkles

  • Active Acne and Acne Scars

  • Irregular Skin Texture

  • Stretch Marks

  • Scars

  • Hyperhydrosis

What areas can be treated with Morpheus8?

  • Face and neck

  • Chest

  • Abdomen

  • Over any scar or stretch mark

  • Inner and outer thighs

How quickly will I see results with Morpheus8?

Visible results can be seen within days after your treatment; however, your skin will continue to grow new collagen over the following 3 months!

How many Morpheus8 treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed depends on each individuals skin quality, texture, and treatment area. Usually at least 3 treatments are needed for maximal results. Each treatment is spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

I have dark skin. Am I a candidate for Morpheus8?

Unlike laser treatments and some chemical peels, Morpheus8 is safe in all skin types. Before this device became available, skin treatments like this were not safe on darker skin.

Can Morpheus8 be done in combination with other treatments?

Absolutely! Morpheus8 is most often done in combination with IPL treatments, growth factor treatments, or PRP.

What is the treatment and recovery like after Morpheus8?

Before your treatment you will apply a very strong topical numbing agent. Nitrous Oxide Pain Relief is available for an additional charge. There should be minimal discomfort during the procedure, and the procedure should take between 10 to 30 minutes depending on the areas being treated. After your Morpheus8 treatment, your skin will be slightly pink, similar to a mild sun burn. It may remain pink for several days depending on the amount of heat needed or how sensitive your skin is. After 16 hrs, you will be able to wear makeup to camouflage any remaining signs of your treatment. It is advised to use a moisturizer and a broad spectrum sunscreen after the 16 hours, and to continue to do so for at least 2 weeks. All other skin products, including retinols, can be restarted 1 week after each session.

We offer nitrous oxide pain and anxiety relief!

Nitrous oxide inhaled gas works fast in your system, providing additional comfort during the procedure. Nitrous oxide also clears out of your system fast, allowing for you to drive yourself to and from the appointment. We combine Nitrous Oxide with topical numbing for optimal patient comfort.